exhibitions and projects

Season of Seven, exhibition of photopolymer etchings of cacti from Arizona, and lightboxes with tea dyed silk and lino prints, March 2013, private venue.

Transient Images, Satrang Gallery at the Serena, October 2012. Group show of photographers using various photographic processes; mine featured photopolymer etchings using photographs from Makli Necropolis in Sindh. 

Inscribing Existence, Karachi, Pakistan, April 2012. Two person show of artists' books, prints and paintings by Ilona Yusuf and Amena Bandukwala.

From Our Hands: an exhibition of objets d'art by three artists, ceramics by Shazieh Gorji and Anne Ray, decoupage and lino printing by Ilona Yusuf, private venue, Islamabad, March 2011

Furniture Expo Show for Women Entrepreneurs, Pearl Continental Lahore, January 2011.

Living Room Art by Voices Breaking Boundaries, Houston, Texas, group show, May 2010.

Arizona Art Guild, Phoenix, Arizona, March 2010, group show ‘Creative Impressions.’

Unicorn Gallery, Karachi, August 2009: group show ‘Recession.’

Nomad Gallery, Islamabad, April, 2009: Within the Leaf: collagraphs.

Tohono Chul Park, Tucson, Arizona: Southwest Series cacti prints selected for a juried exhibition. January 2009.

Nomad Gallery, Islamabad, September 2008: solar etchings using photographs and photo collage: Lahore Fort Series, Truck Dreams and Folds, Layers.